Further to the success of the LREC 2010 EC village in Malta, the Programme Committee has decided to continue this initiative and to set up an EU Projects Village at LREC 2012 with the support of the European Commission. The main objective of this exhibition for on-going EC-sponsored projects is to disseminate information by describing the activities/objectives and showing progress, either through demos, or through brochures or leaflets if the project is still at an early stage.
With an expected participation of 1000+ attendees, the EU Projects Village will grant visibility to the EC projects, in addition to giving the projects and the conference participants the opportunity to interact.
In order to generate the attention that projects deserves, the EU Projects Village will be located in the Anadolu Foyer, the main traffic area close to the main registration, the main coffee-breaks and the poster presentations area. The EU projects Village will be open from May 23 to 25 during the Main conference days. Setup and break down will be possible for the projects representatives on May 22 and 26, if needed.
The offer is detailed below. We are very flexible: you should not hesitate to contact us ([E-mail]) if you feel that the offer could be better (or differently) tailored to your needs.
EU Projects Village Offer
Equipped Booth: 1,500€ including:
- 1 table, 2 chairs
- Wireless Internet connection on the booth
- A link from the LREC 2012 website to the EC project’s website
- Coffee-breaks during conference opening hours
- Include documents in the participant’s bag