LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Paper Title
Paper Id
Objective evaluationThe Cost258 Signal Generation Test Array1
Object-Oriented ApproachObject-oriented Access to the Estonian Phonetic Database128
OCRIssues from Corpus Analysis that have influenced the On-going Development of Various Haitian Creole Text- and Speech-based NLP Systems and Applications342
OCR DatabaseGRUHD: A Greek database of Unconstrained Handwriting289
On-Line EvaluationOn the Use of Prosody for On-line Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems43
OntologiesExtraction of Semantic Clusters for Terminological Information Retrieval from MRDs35
OntologyCreating and Using Domain-specific Ontologies for Terminological Applications22
Oral CorporaPortuguese Corpora at CLUL72
Oral DatabasesSALA: SpeechDat across Latin America. Results of the First Phase10
SPEECHDAT-CAR. A Large Speech Database for Automotive Environments373
Organisational IssuesA Platform for Dutch in Human Language Technologies348
Orthographic LabelingDevelopment of Acoustic and Linguistic Resources for Research and Evaluation in Interactive Vocal Information Servers90
Orthographic TranscriptionOrthographic Transcription of the Spoken Dutch Corpus87
Orthography ConversionIssues from Corpus Analysis that have influenced the On-going Development of Various Haitian Creole Text- and Speech-based NLP Systems and Applications342