LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Papers by ID number: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300, 301-350, 351-377.

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Title A Computational Platform for Development of Morphologic and Phonetic Lexica
Authors Rojc Matej (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor,
Kacic Zdravko (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor,
Keywords Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion, Lexica, Morphology, Text Processing
Session Session SP1 - Phonetic Issues and Speech Synthesis
Abstract Statistic approaches in speech technology, either based on statistical language models, trees, hidden Markov models or neural networks, represent the driving forces for the creation of language resources (LR), e.g. text corpora, pronunciation lexica and speech databases. This paper presents the system architecture for rapid construction of morphologic and phonetic lexica for Slovenian language. The integrated graphic user interface focuses in morphologic and phonetic aspects of the Slovenian language and allows the experts good performance in analysis time.

