LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Title Acoustical Sound Database in Real Environments for Sound Scene Understanding and Hands-Free Speech Recognition
Authors Nakamura Satoshi (ATR Spoken Language Translation Labs 2-2, Hikaridai Seikacho Kyoto 619-0288, Japan,
Hiyane Kazuo (Mitsubishi Research Institute 2-3-6, Otemachi Chiyoda Tokyo 100-8141, Japan,
Asano Futoshi (Electrotechnical Laboratory 1-1-4, Umezono Tsukuba Ibaraki 305, Japan,
Nishiura Takanobu (Nara Institute of Science and Technology 8916-5 Takayama Ikoma Nara 630-0101, Japan,
Yamada Takeshi (Tsukuba Univesrity 1-1-1, Tennodai Tsukuba Ibaraki 305, Japan,
Keywords Dry sound source, Environment sound recognition, Hands-free speech recognition, Impulse response, Microphone array, Real environments, Sound Scene
Session Session SP3 - Spoken Language Resources' Projects
Abstract This paper reports on a project for collection of the sound scene data. The sound scene data is necessary for studies such as sound source localization, sound retrieval, sound recognition and hands-free speech recognition in real acoustical environments. There are many kinds of sound scenes in real environments. The sound scene is denoted by sound sources and room acoustics. The number of combination of the sound sources, source positions and rooms is huge in real acoustical environments. However, the sound in the environments can be simulated by convolution of the isolated sound sources and impulse responses. As an isolated sound source, a hundred kinds of non-speech sounds and speech sounds are collected. The impulse responses are collected in various acoustical environments. In this paper, progress of our sound scene database project and application to environment sound recognition are described.


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