Summary of the paper

Title Aggression-annotated Corpus of Hindi-English Code-mixed Data
Authors Ritesh Kumar, Aishwarya N. Reganti, Akshit Bhatia and Tushar Maheshwari
Abstract As the interaction over the web has increased, incidents of aggression and related events like trolling, cyberbullying, flaming, hate speech, etc. too have increased manifold across the globe. While most of these behaviour like bullying or hate speech have predated the Internet, the reach and extent of the Internet has given these an unprecedented power and influence to affect the lives of billions of people. So it is of utmost significance and importance that some preventive measures be taken to provide safeguard to the people using the web such that the web remains a viable medium of communication and connection, in general. In this paper, we discuss the development of an aggression tagset and an annotated corpus of Hindi-English code-mixed data from two of the most popular social networking / social media platforms in India – Twitter and Facebook. The corpus is annotated using a hierarchical tagset of 3 top-level tags and 10 level 2 tags. The final dataset contains approximately 18k tweets and 21k facebook comments and is being released for further research in the field.
Topics Social Media Processing, Emotion Recognition/Generation, Corpus (Creation, Annotation, Etc.)
Full paper Aggression-annotated Corpus of Hindi-English Code-mixed Data
Bibtex @InProceedings{KUMAR18.861,
  author = {Ritesh Kumar and Aishwarya N. Reganti and Akshit Bhatia and Tushar Maheshwari},
  title = "{Aggression-annotated Corpus of Hindi-English Code-mixed Data}",
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
  year = {2018},
  month = {May 7-12, 2018},
  address = {Miyazaki, Japan},
  editor = {Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair) and Khalid Choukri and Christopher Cieri and Thierry Declerck and Sara Goggi and Koiti Hasida and Hitoshi Isahara and Bente Maegaard and Joseph Mariani and Hélène Mazo and Asuncion Moreno and Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  isbn = {979-10-95546-00-9},
  language = {english}
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