Summary of the paper

Title LIdioms: A Multilingual Linked Idioms Data Set
Authors Diego Moussallem, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif, Diego Esteves, Marcos Zampieri and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
Abstract In this paper, we describe the LIDIOMS data set, a multilingual RDF representation of idioms currently containing five languages: English, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian. The data set is intended to support natural language processing applications by providing links between idioms across languages. The underlying data was crawled and integrated from various sources. To ensure the quality of the crawled data, all idioms were evaluated by at least two native speakers. Herein, we present the model devised for structuring the data. We also provide the details of linking LIDIOMS to well-known multilingual data sets such as BabelNet. The resulting data set complies with best practices according to Linguistic Linked Open Data Community.
Topics Linked Data, Multiword Expressions & Collocations, Lexicon, Lexical Database
Full paper LIdioms: A Multilingual Linked Idioms Data Set
Bibtex @InProceedings{MOUSSALLEM18.46,
  author = {Diego Moussallem and Mohamed Ahmed Sherif and Diego Esteves and Marcos Zampieri and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo},
  title = "{LIdioms: A Multilingual Linked Idioms Data Set}",
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
  year = {2018},
  month = {May 7-12, 2018},
  address = {Miyazaki, Japan},
  editor = {Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair) and Khalid Choukri and Christopher Cieri and Thierry Declerck and Sara Goggi and Koiti Hasida and Hitoshi Isahara and Bente Maegaard and Joseph Mariani and Hélène Mazo and Asuncion Moreno and Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  isbn = {979-10-95546-00-9},
  language = {english}
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