Title Road-testing the English Resource Grammar over the British National Corpus
Author(s) Timothy Baldwin (1), Emily M. Bender (2), Dan Flickinger (1), Ara Kim (1), Stephan Oepen (1,3)

(1) Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University; (2) Department of Linguistics, University of Washington; (3) Institutt for Lingvistiske Fag, Universitetet i Oslo

Session P25-EW
Abstract This paper addresses two questions: (1) when a large deep processing resource developed for relatively closed domains is run over open text, what coverage does it have, and (2) what are the most effective and time-efficient ways of consolidating gaps in the coverage of such as resource?
Keyword(s) Deep Linguistic Processing, Lexical Acquisition
Language(s) English
Full Paper 754.pdf