Title Tools for Upgrading Printed Dictionaries by Means of Corpus-based Lexical Acquisition
Author(s) Ulrich Heid (1), Bettina Säuberlich (1), Esther Debus-Gregor (2), Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht (3)

(1) Institut fur maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart, Azenbergstr. 12, D 70174 Stuttgart, Germany {heid, tina}@ims.uni-stuttgart.de; (2) Langenscheidt KG, Mies van der Rohe Strasse 1, D 80807 Munchen, Germany e.debus@langenscheidt.de; (3) Duden BIFAB AG, Postfach 100 311, D 68003 Mannheim, Germany Werner.Scholze-Stubenrecht@bifab.de

Session P5-W
Abstract We present the architecture and tools developed in the project TFB-32 for updating existing dictionaries by comparing their content with corpus data. We focus on an interactive graphical user interface for manual selection of the results of this comparison. The tools have been developed and used within a cooperation with lexicographers from two German publishing houses.
Keyword(s) Computational lexicography, dictionary making, lexical acquisition, tools for lexicography
Language(s) German
Full Paper 581.pdf