
FrameNet as a ``Net''


Charles J. Fillmore (1), Collin F. Baker (1), Hiroaki Sato (2)

(1) International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California, U.S.A., fillmore,collinb\}@icsi.berkeley.edu; (2) Senshu University, Kawasaki, Japan, hiroaki@isc.senshu-u.ac.jp


O34-W; P10-W


While FrameNet does not record the range of semantic relations found in thesaurus-style lexical resources like WordNet, it does provide a number of ways in which lexical units (LUs) can be seen as related to each other. This paper characterizes and motivates the networks of frame-to-frame relations that are being built on FrameNet's frames, and introduces additional representational mechanisms needed for showing similarities among LUs that are independent of frame membership. LU-to-LU relationships are shown by shared membership in a single frame, by membership in frames that are themselves related to each other, and by shared semantic type information.


FrameNet, semantic relations, lexical resources, semantic information

Language(s) N/A
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