
From WordNet to CELEX: acquiring morphological links from dictionaries of synonyms


Nabil Hathout (ERSS – CNRS & Université de Toulouse Le Mirail – France 5, allées Antonio Machado. F-31058 Toulouse CEDEX 1)


WO17: Semantic Lexicons


Morphological resources such as CELEX do not exist for many languages. NLP and RI systems that operate on texts and documents written in these languages have then to rely on morphological resources acquired from lexica or corpora. These resources usually suffer from a problem of precision because no a priori semantic knowledge is used for their acquisition. The paper proposes a robust and language independent technique to acquire morphological constructional relations from dictionaries of synonyms. The idea is to explore simultaneously synonymy and morphological relations in order to make more accurate prediction. The paper presents an evaluation of the technique and a comparison of the acquired morphological links with the CELEX database.


Morphological links

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