Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora

Tentative Schedule of Talks

9:00 ------- WELCOME
9:15 Charles J. Fillmore and Collin F. Baker The Evolution of FrameNet Annotation Practices
10:00 Kyoko Hirose Ohara, Seiko Fujii, Shun Ishizaki, Toshio Ohori, Hiroaki Saito, and Ryoko Suzuki The Japanese FrameNet Project: An Introduction
10:30 Carlos Subirats and Hiroaki Sato Spanish FrameNet and FrameSQL
11:00 -------
11:30 Michael Ellsworth, Katrin Erk, Paul Kingsbury, and Sebastian Pado FrameNet compared with PropBank
12:00 Jan Hajic, Martin Holub, Marie Hucinova, Martin Pavlik, Pavel Pecina, Pavel Stranak, and Pavel Martin Sidak Validating and Improving Czech WordNet via Lexico-Semantic Annotation of the Prague Dependency TreeBank
12:30 - 14:00 ------- L U N C H
14:00 Annette Frank Generalizations over Corpus-Induced Frame Assignment Rules
14:30 Lea Cyrus, Hendrik Feddes, and Frank Schumacher Annotating Predicate-Argument Structure for a Parallel TreeBank
15:00 Bonnie Dorr, Lori Levin, Owen Rambow, David Farwell, Rebecca Green, Nizar Habash, Stephen Helmreich, Eduard Hovy, Keith J. Miller, Teruko Mitamura, Florence Reeder, and Advaith Siddharthan Semantic Annotation and Lexico-syntactic Paraphrase
15:30 ------- BREAK
16:00 Myroslava Dzikovska, Mary Swift, and James Allen Building a computational lexicon and ontology with FrameNet
16:30 Gerhard Fliedner Using FrameNet for Question Answering
17:00 (General Discussion) Crosslinguistic FrameNets